Our Future: Self-Determination
We, the rightful and proven lineal descendants of the Coast Miwok Indigenous people of Marin County, California, exercising our right to self-determination governance under PL 93-638, a federal law enacted on January 4, 1975, have assembled a council of tribal leaders, the Coast Miwok Tribal Council of Marin, to:
o Cultivate our unique identity and heritage.
o Protect our rights.
o Provide for the sustainability and development of our traditional culture.
o Economically develop our communities.
o Educate our youth.
o Train our workforce.
In October, 2022, we established Huukuiko, Inc., a 501(c)3, to seek and administer tax-deductible grants and donations to support the Council's commitment to preserve traditional Coast Miwok cutural and spiritual practices, offer educational workshops for children and adults, and share Indigenous best practices of land restoration and soil resiliency with the larger Marin community.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support this work, please click here.
Kule (koo-lay): Bear
Mu'k-'am Ka ‘I-ni’iko: We are all family.
To learn more, email: coastmiwokofmarin@gmail.com