Guiding Principles
The Coast Miwok Tribal Council of Marin:
• Will provide for the sustainability and development of our traditional culture.
• Will establish committees, advisory councils, agencies, companies and corporations as necessary to serve its membership, and purposes of this council.
• Will honor traditional customs of justice and conflict resolution.
• Is explicitly not formed for the purpose of seeking tribal gaming enterprises.
Ku lup pi (koo-loo-pee): Hummingbird
Mu'k-'am Ka ‘I-ni’iko: We are all family.
To learn more, email: coastmiwokofmarin@gmail.com
Walli Towish
We offer our warmest solidarity and support in the common cause of the resilience of our tribal communities, and recognize all of our relations as extended family. We acknowledge that all Miwok people have the freedom to choose how they wish to associate with other tribal relations and tribal organizations, and we maintain no hostility or conflict with any other Miwoks, California Tribes, or Native American Nations.