Mu'k-'am Ka ‘I-ni’iko: We are all family.
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July 3, 2023 marks the first rematriation of Indigenous land in Marin County history!
A 501(c)3 dedicated to supporting the Indigenous spiritual practices,
traditions, wisdom teachings, and culture of
the Coast Miwok Tribal Council of Marin, the land’s original caretakers.
Thanks to an outporing of generosity ranging from small individual donations to private family funds to large foundation grants, Huukuiko was able to purchase 25.9 acres of Coast Miwok Ancestral Homeland in 'Etcha Tamal (Nicasio) on July 3, 2023.

Aerial view of property outlined in red.
Below: view looking West
Upper photo: top of property, afternoon
Lower photo: midway point on property, sunset
"This is right. These hills, valleys and creeks in the very center of the beautiful Marin Peninsula are the home place of the Huukuiko people. This place, called ‘Etcha Tamal, was part of the vast Coast Miwok homeland stretching from the ocean to the bay. More than 175 years ago, this rich and sacred land was taken from the people by one alien government and then another. Here in this valley, the new landowner allowed a small number of the original people to stay, and in 1872 the next owner sold twenty-five acres to Huukuiko elder, Jose Calistro, so that he could continue to live with his children and sisters and brothers and cousins. Less than 20 years later the land was lost again, another white man taking ownership, and so it has been for well over a century. Now we are approaching the time where some of this land can be returned to the Huukuiko people and their sisters and brothers: this is right."
Dewey Livingston, Marin historian
What happens next?
The Tribal Council will be developing ideas for possible workshops, presentations, and tribal activities both onsite and off-site. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support the Council's work in the community and with tribal members, you can make an online donation here or send a check to Huukuiko, Inc., PO Box 725, Nicasio, CA 94946. (Please include your email or mailing address in the memo line to receive a donation receipt.)
If you'd like to receive periodic updates about what's happening. email with "Subscribe" in the subject line.
Nicasio land returned to Native hands
Point Reyes Light, July 6, 2023
Miwok homeland site in Nicasio returned to tribe after 150 years
Marin Independent Journal, July 13, 2023
July 23, 2023: Marin Independent Journal Editorial
July 31, 2023: KQED (article online by Vanessa Rancano)
How a Coast Miwok Group Is Buying Back a Piece of Their Ancestral Land in Marin